Standing Out: How To Market Your Bridal Beauty Business On Social Media

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Following the pandemic, we’ve all seen the trickle-down effect of how postponed weddings, events, and vendor shows caused a big spike, and now a crash in the bridal business. So, what does this mean for you? It means that your marketing needs to go up a level. It’s time to up your game when it comes to marketing and one way to do that is with social media. 

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With everyone doubling-down on platforms like Instagram and Tik-Tok to take advantage of their free marketing, you need to make sure that you’re standing out rather than just copying what everybody else is doing – or your content is going to get lost in the background. 

Using three of my best tips, these are a sure way to help you stand out on social media from you competitors. 

1. Upgrade your photos – Photos are going to be the first thing people see that’s going to grab their attention. While anybody can have nice photos, and the other tips will dive deeper into that, the first thing you should do is upgrade your photos. So, when you’re taking photos - Make sure your lens is clean. If you’re a hairstylist, and you sit there and put your camera face down or your phone face down, you’re going to end up with hairspray, texture spray, you name it, and chances are it will be all over your phone. Clean your lens before you take your pictures. The second thing – upgrade your lighting. If you can’t afford fancy lights there are a ton of great options like ring lights, Loom Cube, and many others. Regardless of your price point, there are all kinds of options for additional lighting. Finally, don’t jump on every photo or reel trend. When it comes to your visuals, you want to stand out, not blend in with everyone else copying a trend. So, if you see the same photos or trends used over and over again, that’s a sign to stop doing that. 

If you’re interested in how to upgrade your photos even more, I’ve created a Masterclass called Photos that Sell. It’s 90 minutes and I’ll show you in depth how to exactly pose and light your subjects for hair and makeup with an iPhone – no fancy camera needed. You’ll learn how to pose using natural light or different light sources and how to get a clean background. You’ll even see how I edit on my phone to blur the background and adjust the lighting and contrast. If you interested in more tips, get added to my close friends list on Instagram where I do exclusive extra trainings and give free tips on how to up your Instagram game. 

2.  Stop focusing on price – Please stop trying to convince people that luxury services are expensive, and you get what you pay for when you go cheap. People are tired of hearing this phrase, and when you consistently use it, it can come across as entitled and unoriginal when all you can counter with is “I should be expensive.” Instead of telling them, “You get what you pay for” go one step further – and tell them why. You need to articulate what they are getting and why they should care. If you start with that, some people won’t get past the simple phrase of “I’m expensive.” You should be showcasing what they will be getting and educate them on the value of what you are offering – you get this level of experience, this level of expertise, and a higher-level skill set. Stop trying to convince them and educate them instead. Show the results of your expertise – not just the end result of the hair and makeup but showcase how you have used your expertise to solve an issue for a bride, to meet an expectation, and even the experience of working with you. People aren’t just shopping for an end result; they’re also shopping for convenience and an amazing experience.

Episode 54: How To Stand Out On Social Media 

3. Show your face – You can scroll through business social media pages these days and see post after post and have no idea who the person is, or what they look like. Yes, you want to showcase your skills, show transformation and what you offer but, when it comes to working with someone one on one, people want to know who they are working with. Especially in a hands-on industry like bridal hair and makeup, people don’t necessarily want to be interacting with strangers. The most successful artists out there are the ones who put themselves out there and their clients come to them saying “I feel like I already know you” and this is something you see with social media. When we see people’s faces and connect with them, we feel like we’re giving our money to a person we’re putting our trust and faith in.  You build that personal connection, helping to build brand trust and establish yourself as an expert with not just what you provide but, who you are. 

When you combine these tips together – you’re not just posting. You’re connecting with your audience.  By showcasing yourself, you’re building that trust that you can provide what they are looking for using your expertise and education and they see the value in what you are providing – which means they’re willing to pay the price you’re asking for.

What's Next?  

Check out Unique AF- Phase 1 inside of Next Level Bridal Business or as a standalone mini course dedicated to helping you gain clarity on your Dream Bride so you can strategically target her online.  You learn how to build magnetic brand messaging to stand out from your competition and fill your books with brides that align with your long term business goals.

Check out my 30 Day Instagram Challenge and Revamp your Instagram in less than 10 minutes a day to see higher engagement!