4 Steps To A Better Bridal Beauty Business You Can Implement Right Away

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Just like a chef follows a recipe, repeatable systems in your bridal business are your recipe for success. We’re going to talk about some of these systems and how they play a part in the success of your business. 

So, the first thing is you need a system to get clear on who your ideal client or your dream bride is. 

If you don’t start with this, your marketing messages are going to be too vague. Your message is going to be unclear, and nobody knows who you are trying to market to. You need to have that bride be able to identify herself within your brand and tell her that she’s in the right place. You want to niche down your marketing to show your specialties, so when that bride finds your services, she’s going to book faster, easier and be ready to pay the price you are asking for. Make sure you are very clear on what specific services you are offering and who that service helps best so you can relay that in your marketing messages. 

The second step is to understand what needs you fill in the marketplace, and what your brides actually want. 

Sure, a bride may want her hair done but, that’s not actually what she is looking for. You need to figure out what she wants. There’s a phrase in marketing that you “sell them what they want, give them what they need” and you must be able to tell the difference between the two.  They want somebody to do their hair but, what they really need is somebody who’s going to make the process easy for them, help them eliminate the stress they have from their previous prom hair trauma, and have somebody listen to them and be open to what they are asking for. By understanding what she wants and what she really needs, you can get really clear on your messaging for how you fill those needs. 

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Episode 51: 4 Steps To A Better Bridal Business 

The third step is to create a repeatable system. 

What is your recipe for dependable outcomes and success? What do you do every single wedding and what tasks do you always include? This is the workflow you need to use every single time to make sure that you aren’t putting out last minute fires. When do you need your head count by? What other information do you need at what time? Making sure you follow these steps and have them in place will ensure that your dream bride has the experience you are looking to provide while optimizing your business. 

The fourth step to building a better bridal business is to hire help or gain knowledge in the areas where you lack. 

We’re human, we don’t do everything perfect. We didn’t just start out giving five-star hair styles – we had to learn, and we had to practice. If there is an area where you are just not as good as you want to be and it’s causing you stress – gain knowledge. Take the class, listen to the podcast, or if you really feel like it’s something you can’t handle, hire somebody to help in that area and adjust your business accordingly. That’s okay too. 

You may have read some of these tips and thought, “Hey, I already do those things” or you may be thinking “Wow, I could really use some help” and there are options for that too! If you feel like you already have a strong foundation and systems in place but, feel like you could do a bit I offer coaching and mentorship options. Sometimes an outside person to talk through things and give you a different perspective can help you approach your business from a new angle. 

Or if you feel like you need more help, a 90-minute intensive could be the right plan where you can lay out your business and I can help you figure out where you need to focus your attention and where you might need further education. 

If you feel like you’re lacking these foundational systems, then you might be better off starting with a course approach to get these systems in place – many of which you’ll find in my Masterclass Magic series. I offer a membership to this series for $27 per month and each month I offer a new class that will help you consistently take one area of your business and optimize it. Wherever you are at in your bridal business, there are options to help you take it to the next level. 

What's Next?

Register for my FREE training, The Essential Systems You Need In Your Bridal Beauty Business To Achieve Higher Levels of Success & Freedom.  You can watch on demand and learn the exact blueprint I teach to my students inside Next Level Bridal Business on how to grow strategically and sustainably without burning out.