Ep 69: Proactive Emergency Preparedness: How to Protect Your Wedding Business

Season #2

If you're feeling overwhelmed and unprepared when unexpected emergencies arise on wedding days, leading to stressed-out brides and a tarnished reputation, then you are not alone! Many self-employed bridal hairstylists and makeup artists find themselves in this frustrating situation, despite their best efforts. They may be relying on last-minute improvisation, lacking clear protocols and plans, and struggling to handle unforeseen circumstances gracefully. As a result, they are unable to create a seamless and flawless experience for their clients, jeopardizing future bookings and potential referrals.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Uncover the crucial role of robust financial management and the essence of emergency funds specifically for self-employed moguls in the wedding sector.

  • Delve into the ethical implications of providing services while ill or potentially spreading contagious diseases.

  • Discover how to adopt a proactive stance to crisis management and formulate a list of absolute scenarios.

  • Understand the importance of fostering a reliable network of colleagues for stand-ins rather than depending on unfamiliar individuals.

  • Grasp the significance of possessing a precisely drafted contract addressing replacement procedures and client predilections.

This Week's Key Episodes:
00:01:20 - Importance of Financial Planning,

00:04:44 - Ethical Considerations,

00:08:49 - Preparing for Emergencies,

00:11:16 - Building a Strong Network,

00:15:33 - Building a Flexible Team,

00:16:46 - Handling Replacement Issues,

00:19:53 - Importance of a Well-Written Contract,

00:21:18 - Being Proactive and Prepared


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