Ep 68: Escape the Feast or Famine Cycle: Financial Strategies for Bridal Hairstylists & Makeup Artists

Season #2

If you're feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with the constant struggle to make your bridal hairstyling and makeup business profitable, then you are not alone! Despite your best efforts, you may be finding that your income is inconsistent and unpredictable, leading to financial stress. You may be taking on too many low-paying gigs or undercharging for your services, resulting in a cycle of long hours and little reward. But fear not, because by effectively managing your finances, you can achieve the profitability and long-term success you desire in the bridal industry

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Gain insight into the value of efficient finance management in bridal hair and makeup enterprises.
  • Absorb actionable strategies that foster effective wealth planning and money control.
  • Realize the importance and rewards of issuing regular salaries to bridal artists.
  • Delve into managing cash flow to protect your business from extreme revenue fluctuations.
  • Grasp the importance of retirement planning to fortify your future financial position.


This Week's Key Moments:
00:00:53 - Importance of Money Management,
00:03:00 - Year-End Bonuses,
00:05:12 - Feast or Famine Mode,
00:08:03 - Separate Business Finances,
00:16:04 - Setting a Salary for Better Financial Management,
00:19:26 - Managing Income and Expenses for Better Cash Flow,
00:21:20 - Building a Profit Account for Year-End Bonuses,
00:22:55 - Structuring Bank Accounts for Tax Refunds,
00:26:07 - The Importance of Effective Money Management


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