Ep 66: Beauty Beyond the Aisle: Attracting Brides and Moms to Your Salon

Season #2

Are you a bridal hairstylist or makeup artist struggling to differentiate your wedding services from general salon services? Join me as I share my insights and recommendations on how to effectively market your services to brides and moms, but be prepared for a shocking twist that will leave you questioning everything.

If you're feeling frustrated because potential clients confuse your wedding services with general salon services, leading to lost bookings and missed opportunities, then you are not alone! Despite your best efforts in showcasing your expertise and showcasing specialized offerings, clients may still perceive your services as interchangeable, causing them to overlook your unique skills and offerings. As a result, you may struggle to effectively market and differentiate your wedding services, missing out on valuable business and growth opportunities.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Decode the significance of targeted messaging as a core element of strategic marketing.
  • Understand the benefits of compartmentalizing your services through the creation of separate websites.
  • Harness how defining one's principal business from supplemental businesses can achieve competitive advantage.
  • Identify the role of maintenance package offerings in fostering trust and retaining customers.
  • Comprehend the importance of tailored messaging when marketing distinct services such as weddings versus general salon services. 


This Week's Key Moments:
00:01:08 - Marketing Yourself with Spa and Salon Services,
00:05:22 - Creating Specific Marketing Messages,
00:11:05 - Clarifying Your Website,
00:15:28 - Importance of Separate Websites,
00:16:47 - Benefits of Targeted Websites,
00:18:27 - Primary and Supplemental Businesses,
00:19:23 - Offering Maintenance Services,
00:24:46 - Differentiating Salon and Wedding Services,
00:32:40 - Creating Collateral for Trials,
00:34:02 - Understanding Your Audience,
00:39:07 - Quality Over Quantity


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